Monday, 14 January 2013

Monday, 10 December 2012

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


At the moment I am working as an Intern at Final Cut Studio in Copenhagen. I am working as a Graphics Artist. Final Cut Studio is a studio that specialize in producing documentaries. My role is to help and support productions with graphics design. At the moment I am creating and designing an intro for a documentary about kids and their sports in certain countries. The intro is to set to last 28 seconds.

See ya later.

Klaes Simonsen

Thursday, 30 August 2012

The pizza dude is starting to take form. Can't wait to rig the guy.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Pizza hombre

This is a character I'm working on right now.

P.S I'm looking for job as a 3D artist. The location is not important to me, the job is. email me at:

Friday, 3 August 2012

Zombie House

Started a new project. I have decided to make my old student house to a zombie house. My strategy is one room at the time, make a good looking picture and then move on to a new room. I got the UDK Engine setup and ready to import any finished object and textures.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Harry with an Attitude

This picture has been two weeks on the go. David Lindop ( and I  has been wanted to create a picture together for a while now, and when our uni degree in Digital Arts came to an end we finally had two weeks before our landlord kicked us out of our student house, so we decided to go ahead with the picture. 

The baby is called Harry. Harry is a baby with an attitude. He just shot his teddybear and has now loaded his nerfgun with a bigger "bullet" to target you! So watch out :-) 

We looked at a lot of reference pictures to get inspiration and Victor Hugo Queiroz was a big research source for us. His work are truly amazing. 

Hope you like our picture and feel free to comment

Best regards David Lindop and Klaes Simonsen